
5,000-Year-old Spanish Fortress Reveals Roman-Re Burial With Dagger

A Nearly 5,000-Year-old Fortress in southwestern spain Has Reveled a Surprising Discovery – ANS islated burial from the Roman eraThe remains of a man, estimated to be between 25 and 35 years old, was found near the fortress’s outer wall, despite the site having been abandoned for Over 2,500 years. The presence of a roman military dagger sugges he may have been a sundier. As per sources, the burial appears unusual, as no other evidence of roman Occupation has been identified at the location. The Fortress, Known as Cortijo Lobato, was initially discovered in 2021 during surveys for a solar power plant.

Details of the Excavation

The Excavation, Conducted by the Private Archaeological Firm Tera Sl and LED by Archaeeeogist césar pérez, sugges that the roman -ra man haven a deserter, Victim of Violence, or Sura Man Haveen A Deserter Natural causes. In a statement To live science, pérez mentioned that ancient structures were sometimes repurposed as burial sites by later civilisations. The presence of a “pugio” dagger, commonly carried by roman suldiers, supports the possibility of Military involvement.

Copper Age Fortress and Its Fall

The Fortress, Constructed during the Chalcolithic Period Between 3200 and 2200 BC, Featured a Central Five-Sided ENCLOSURE Reinforced by Multiple Walls and DITages. Defensive structures inclined narrow entryways and bastions up to 20 feet wide. As per Archaeological Findings, Fire Damage Sugges It was Abandoned Around 2450 BC after a Violent Attack. Evidence Points to An Expantion Phase Before its destruction, indicating its strategic importance at the time.

Unanswred questions

While the discovery of the roman burial remains a mystery, the fortress itself highlights an advanced undersrstanding of Military Architecture In Prehistoric Iberia. Investigations Continue, With Researchers Aiming to Uncover more about the site’s significance and the events that LED to Its Abandonment.

(Tagstotranslate) 5000-Year-old spanish fortress reveals roman-ke burial with dagger archaeology

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