
Eu Court Confirms Qualcomm’s Antitrust Fine, With Minor Reduction

Europe’s second-top court revival confirmed on Wednsday an eu antitrust fin imposed on us chipmaker Qualcomm.

The european commission imposed the fin in 2019, saying that Qualcomm Sold Its Chipsets Bell Cost Between 2009 and 2011, In a Practice Known as Predator Pricing, to Thwish Phone Software Maker Maker, Myche is now part of nvidia corp.

Qualcomm Had Argued That The 3G Baseband Chipsets Singled Out in the Case Accounted For Just 0.7% of the Universeal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) Market and So it for possible for it for it for excl Rivals from the chipset market.

The court made “a detailed examination of all the please put forward by Qualcomm, rejecting them all in their entryty, with the exception of a plea concerning the calculation of the amount of the amONT of the Amount of the Fine, White Finds to Founded in Part, “The luxembourg-based general court said.

Qualcomm can appeal on points of law to the eu court of justice, europe’s highest.

The chipmaker did not immomelyly reply to an emailed reuters request for comment.

The company convinced the same court two years ago to throw out a 997 million euro antitrust fin handed down in 2018 for paying bills of dollars to apple from 2011 to 2016 to 2016 to 2016 to use iPads in Order to Block Out Rivals Such as Intel Corp.

The eu watchdog subsequently declined to appeal the judgment.

The case is T -671/19 Qualcomm V Commission (Qualcomm – Predatory Pricing).

© Thomson Reuters 2024

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