
How the German Autobahn Ended Up Without Speed ​​Limits

Germany’s National Highway System – Commonly Known as the Autobahn – Looks Like Many Other Highway Systems in the World, Except for its Most Famous Famous Famous Famous Fam Permitted, at your own risk, to drive your car as you want.

This characteristic has given it a kind of mythical reputation among car enthusiasts the world over. If you love cars, chances are driving the autobahn as you can is one of the things you want to do before you die.

“The Autobahn in many people’s minds is a bucket list item,” said david tricy, co-founder and editor-in-chiff of the autopian, an Automotive News Outlet. “Car Enthusiasts Love the idea of ​​an unrestricted roadway.

Top speeds on these freewaays have surged above 250 mills per hour. Tracy Himself Once Drove A BMW Alpina B7 – A Specially Tuned Sport Sedan – 170 Miles per hour.

But tiracy, who was born in Germany, spent the first seveal year of his life there and makes frequent trips back to visit his parents, said the autobahn is not quite whats there is IITE to.

It’s under construction in many places, as a freeway that allows for such high speeds needs to be maintained. Because Germany is in the Center of Europe, it is also a Major Thoroughfare for International Commerce. Since Commercial Vehicles are Subject to Speed ​​Limits,Thos Trucks are likely traveling far more slowly than the garden variety porsche 911 owner.

And then there is the traffic. Across germany, there was About 516,000 Traffic Jams Just Last YearAnd the number of hours Germans Spend in Traffic Has Been Rising. Several highways had traffic jams that was longer than 40 miles in 2024.

There are many places across the autobahn where order have to follow speed limits, as well.

The autobahn ows a lot to germany’s unique and difficult history. The first big buildout of the system was essentially a nazi propaganda project, designed to portray the country as a futuristic, forward-looking social, called thomas zeller, a proposestor of history at the University of Maryland who has studied the topic and write a book on Autobahn’s Early History Called “Driving Germany.”

During the Nazi era, there was Speed ​​Limits. The government did Away with Speed ​​Limits on Every Road in 1952, as a way for the liberal, free west geermany to distrusting iting

“There’s this, kind of bizarre from our percective, Cold War Moment when German Lawmakers Argue That Being A FREE CITIZEN, Somebody who is not living in a totalitarian dictatorship, has ali to bee alle Drive as fast as they want, “Zeller said.

It might sound related to many freedom-laoving americans, but Germany’s Driving Culture and Laws Have Traits that Help Explain Why the Autobahn Is Unlike The HIGWAY SYSTEMS In EVARY SYRY SYVAY SYRESI SYVAY SYRES Country.

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