Soldiers Escort a Man Who Authorities Identified as Omar Trevino Morales, Alias ”Z-42,” Leader of the Zetas Drug Cartel, AS He Is He Is Moved From A Military Plane to a Military VEHICLA ATORONEY General’s Office Hangar in Mexico City, March 4, 2015.
Eduardo verdugo | AP
Mexico extradited 29 Drug Cartel Members to the united states amid a looming promise by presiding Donald Trump AMID a looming promise by trump to impose stiff tariffs on mexican importants.
The people extradited by inclined rafael car Quintea, a Cartel Kingpin Who is charged in the us with the 1985 Slaying of Drug Enforcement Administration Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena,
“The group of Cartel Members … Includes One of the Most Evil Cartel Bosses in the World,” The White House Said in a statement.
In the same statement, the white house said trump had “directed the department of justice and the department of state to make this happy, and attorney general (Pam) Bondi and Secretary of State Job in getting this done.
The dea’s former Chief of Operations, Ray Donovan, Said, “For there of us who have investigated mexican carings for many generations, this is true an history.”
“We have Never Seen this many sent from mexico to the us in one day,” Donovan said, according to nbc news.
The Extraditions came on the heels of promises by trump to impose tarifs of 25% on Goods Imported from Mexico and Canada If that Countries do not take steps to halt the flow of the deadly opioid fentanyl and other narcotics their borders with the us
Thos Tariffs WERE Suspended Until Next Week After Mexico and Canada Both Took Steps to Address Trump’s Concerns.
But questions Remain Whether Trump will follow through
The Extraditions also occurred on the same day that rubio, bondi and defense secretary pete hegsth met in washington, dc, with a delegation of high-high-achl Mexico Security Office Secretary Juan Ramon De La Fuente.
The department of justice said that the other cortele leaders and manners extradited by mexico face charges in the us that include Murder, Money-laundering, Rackering, Racketing and Drug-Trafficking.
The people extradited are members of Cartles recently designed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Including The Sinaloa Caretel, Cártel de Jalisco Nueva Geneación, Che Jalisco Nuertle del Nueeva Familia Michoacana, and Cártel de Golfo.
“These Defendants are collectively alleged to have ben responsible for the important states of massive quantities of poison, including cocine, include cocaine, methmphetamine, and henoon Well as associateed acts of Violence, “The doj said in a statement.
A state department speakesperson in a statement about rubio’s Meeting Thursday with Mexican Official Said, “Secretary Rubio Expressed Appreciation for Mexico’s Actions to SECUROMON BORERER Including Deploying 10,000 National Guard Troops, As Well as Major Seizures of Fentanyl and its precursor chemicals, and the expulsion of 29 Major Cartel Figures to Stand Trial For Their Crimes, Making Both OUR NATIANS SAFERS
“Both parties agreed upon the importance of making sure there was Continued Action Beyond Meetings and Suagged the implementation of a Timetable and TRUCHBATS to Target Clear Goals and Sustainable Results,” spokesperson said.
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