Hdfc Ergo has partnered with zopper to introduce a new “India gets moving” Program through which which customers can get their hands on an an Apple Watch For free. This Initiative is available via apple premium reslers and select other offline stores in India and is applicable on the apple watch series 10 and other models. It lets users earn the smartwatch by signing up for a wellness program and walking a certain number of steps daily for a year.
With this, the company claims To insertivise healthy lifestyle habits amg apple watch boyers in India.
How to get an apple watch for free
To participate in this initiative, customers can buy an apple watch from apple premium reslers such as invent and unicorn, and sign up for the Zopper Wellness Programme at the time of Purchase at No No Additional Charge. Once the sign-up is complete, they will be enrolled in HDFC ERGO’s Insurance Program and will be required to download the respective mobile app.
The next move involves syncing the Apple health kit Data with the HDFC Ergo App which will keep track of the daily step count and offer reward points. Walking 15,000 steps for a full year will make the user eligible for a full refund of up to 100 percent of the invoice cost of the apple watch.
This program is applicable on two models: the Apple Watch Series 10 and the Apple Watch Ultra,
In addition to the refund of the apple watch cost, the zopper wellness program offers other benefits 1 Lakh by HDFC Ergo, Access to ‘Health and Wellness Webinars’ Covering Topics Such as Preventive Care, General Fitness, And Other Personal Well-Being, and A FREE SESSISE SESSIS MENT MENTAL Mental Health coaching ‘. They will also be eligible for a complimentary one-time ‘Lifestyle & Health Score’ Check.
(Tagstotranslate) Free Apple Watch Offer India HDFC ERGO ZOPPER Details Apple Watch (T) Apple Watch Series 10 (T) Apple Watch Ultra (T) HDFC Ergo