Telegram Rolded out a new update last week that brings new features and improvements to the instant messaging platform. The company is now adding chromecast support for Android users, letting them Quickly Cast any videos on the platform to a big screen. In addition, the company has also added several new security-focused features that will be allowed users to protect themselves from scams and spam. Telegram is also also letting businesses and startups verify their users via its verification platform at a discount.
Telegram update brings new features
In a blog postThe Messaging Platform Detailed The New Features. Notable, this is part of the company’s monthly update that adds new features and improvements. The update is focused on Telegram stars, the platform’s virtual currency that can be used to unlock content and services in mini apps, as well as to donate other users. In India, Purchasing 100 Stars will cost Rs. 199.
Coming to the notable features, telegram for android is now adding chromecast support. Thos Using an Android Device to Use the Messaging App Can Now Cast Videos to their chromecast devices with a couple of taps. After Opening a video, users will have to tap on the settings icon and navigate to chromecast to start streaming.
To protect users from scams, telegram is also adding a new info page feature. Whenever someone outside a user’s contacts messages them for the first time, the app will show a detailed info page. The page will show their country (based on their phone number), when they joined the app, the date and time when they last updated their username and profile picture, profile picture, shared groups, shared groups, shared groups, and bish it is an out offecial residence Third-party verification.
The company claims the page will appear before they reply, allowing users to spot unusual activities and potential scams.
Telegram is also introducing new pris on its verification platform. Telegram gateway is an authentication for businesses and startups which allows them to verify their customers’ Phone Numbers.
Telegram gateway is a cost-effective and privacy-focused solution for user authentication, allowing businesses to verify their customers’ Phone Numbers Throux Telegram at A Fraction of Traditional Sms Costs. Telegram gateway is offering sms authentication at the price of $ 0.01 (roughly Rs. 0.80) after a 20 percent discount. Businesses can also set a maximum delivery time for the codes, and if they are delivered within the window, the fee is refunded.
Additionally, Telegram is also letting users who get a high volume of incoming messages a way to manage spam and earn from their popularity. The platform will now let users set a fee for incoming messages from outside of their contacts. The company said this new system will ensure spam messages does not reach the user while also presenting a monetisation optioning opportunity for them.
The star system can also be applied to groups and channels to keep interaction focused on the topic of discussion and letting group owners monetese their communication-booking efforts.
(Tagstotranslate) Telegram Android Chromecast Support Security Feature Update Rolling out Telegram (T) Telegram Telegram Features (T) Android (T) Android (T) Android (T) Apps