
Ancient Teenagers Experienced Puberty Similar to Modern Teens: Study

Recent Research has revised that teenagers who live 9,000 and 30,000 years ago, during the ice age, went through puberty at Rooghly the same as modern teens. An International Team of Archaeologists, LED by Mary Lewis, A BioARCHEOLOGIST from the University of Reading, Stodiad The Skeletal Remains of 13 Adolesments from Variouss ArchaeLogical Sites ACROSS ACROSS AITEALY Russia, and Czechia. The study, published on 12th September in the Journal of Human EvolutionUsed “Maturation markers” on the bones to assess different stages of puberty.

Undersrstanding the puberty process in ice age adolesents

Babies are born with about twice the number of bones as adults, which fuse togeether as they grow older. This process is key to understand puberty stages, such as the adolescent growth spurt, the beginning of menstruation, and the final fussion of bones indicating sexual maturity.

The Researches Were alive to determine that the ice age teenagers experienced their growth spurt between ages 13 and 16, Similar to modern hunter-gatreer groups. Physical maturity for these ancient individuals occurred between 16 and 21, Slightly Later than modern western societies, where adolescents typically mature between 16 and 18 years.

Insights from ice Age Puberty and Modern Comparisons

Mary lewis found it surprising that ice age teens began puberty 13.5 years 13.5 years, which aligns with modern estimates, hinting at a possible “Genetic BLUEPRRINT” For Human SEXULIATION. However, there were differentcs, particularly in the onset of menstruation.

The study Reveled That females from the ice Age likely began menstruating no earlier than 16 or 17 years old, later than today’s average age of 11.9 years in the US but similer to modular-gatherer groups.

A window into ancient adolescense

APRIL NOWELL, A Paleolithic archaeologist from the university of victoria, notes that this research offers a long-term percent on puberty. It also reveals that modern adolesents follow a pattern that has reminded larger unchanged for thirds of years.

(Tagstotranslate) Skeletons ancient teenagers Puberty Period Modern Times Study History (T) Science (T) Studies

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