
DuckDuck will now show ai-hosified answers, but only if you want them

DuckDuckgoThe privacy-focused web browser, announced the rollout of ai -assized answers on its search engine last week. The feature was so far available in beta, but now the company is releasing it to all users. With this, users will be able to see an artificial intelligence (ai) generated summary of their searched Query, Simlar to Google’s AI Overviews Feature. However, unlike google search, duckDuckgo is letting users control the frequency of these answers, and they can choose to turn them off enterly as well.

DuckDuckgo Introduces AI-Casized Answers

In a blog postDuckDuckgo Ceo and Founder Gabriel Weinberg Announced The New Ai Features. The most notable is the introduction of ai-caseized answers, which shows a snapshot of information about the user’s searched Query. The company says this will enable users to find information at a glass.

However, many users do not prefer ai-generated summaries, and INTEAD Enjoy the Traditional Search Experience. Google’s Lack of Option in Letting Users Choose WHETHER AID LIKE TO SEE AI Overviews has LED to some exploring unique ways to turn them off.

DuckDuckgo has I instead taken a different approach and has given the control to the user. By going to the search settings and navigating to ai features, users can choose how frequently they are shown these summaries. There are four options-Never, on-Demand, Sometimes, and often. While Never turns the feature off, on-demand lets users have granular control over these summaries and they can generate ai-costed answers by tapping a button on the Search Result Page.

In the post, weinberg highlighted that selecting often will show ai-caseized answers for about 20 percent of the queries. These ai-generated summaries are shared to ai models anonymously, and the company claims that a user’s “personal information is never experts is never expected to third parties.”

On the reliability of the summaries, the company highlights that information is sourced via real-time web crawling. However, Since DuckDuckgo cannot control the authenticity, the AI-Sasified Answers Show the source from where the information was picked to let users make a judgement call.

DuckDuckgo Duck Ai Duck Ai

DuckDuckgo Duck Ai
Photo Credit: DuckDuckgo

Apart from this, (formerly knowledge as ai chat) is also getting a couple of upgrades. DuckDuckgo has added new ai models including Openai’s GPT-4o Mini and O3-Mini, and Meta LLAMA 3.3. Additional, a “recent chats” feature has also been added that stores conversions with ai locally on the users’ device. DuckDuckgo Claimed that these conversations are not stored on its servants or the ai provider’s servers.

(Tagstotranslate) DuckDuckgo ai assisted answers search engine chatbot upgrade rolling out duckduckgo

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Hi, I am Tahir, a young entrepreneur working in the finance sector for more than 5 years. I am ambitious to add remarkable value to my country's economy.

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