Germany’s Election will Usher in New Leadership – But Might Not Turn Tides for the Country’s Struggling Economy

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The Struggling German Economy has been a Major Talking Point Amg Critics of Chancellor Olaf Scholz ‘Government During the Latest Election Campaign – But Analysts WARN A New LEDERSHT NOTURNS Tides.

As voters prepare to head to the polls, it is now all but certain that Germany will only have a new Chancellor. The Christian Democratic Union’s Friedrich Merz is the Firm Favorite.

Merz has not shied away from blasting scholz’s economic policies and from linking them to the lacqualus state of europe’s largest economy. He argues that a government under his Leadership would give the economy the boost it needs.

Experts speaking to CNBC WHES SURES SURE.

“There is a high risk that Germany will get a refurbished economy model after the Elections, but not a brand new model that makes the competition jealous,” Carssteen Brzeski, Global Head of Macro ATID CONG, TOLD CNBC.

The CDU/CSU Economic Agenda

The CDU, which on a federal level ties up with Regional Sister Party The Christian Social Union, is running on a “Typical Economic Conservative Program,” Brzeski Said.

It includes income and corporate tax cuts, fewer subsidies and less bureaucracy, changes to social benefits, deregulation, support for innovation, start-ups and Artificing inVosting investing investing inVestment Among other policies, according to CDU/CSU Campaigners.

“The weak parts of the positions are that the cdu/csu is not very precise on how it wants to increase investments in infrastructure, digitalization and education. The Intection. Said, noting that the union appeares to be aiming to revive germany’s economic model without full overhauling it.

“It is still a reform program which pretends that change can happy with pain,” He said.

Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Head of Forecasting at Research Institute Diw Berlin, Noted That The CDU is also looking to Reach Gross Gross Domestic Product Growth of Around 2% Again Throughs Fiscal and Economical Program Called “Agenda 2030.”

But Reaching Such Levels of Economic Expaniation in Germany “Seems Unrealistic,” Not just temperature, but also in the long run, She Told CNBC.

Germany’s GDP Declined in Both 2023 and 2024. Recent Quarterly Growth Readings Have also also beeen teetering on the verge of a technical recession, which has been so far beeen narrowly avoided. The german economy shrank by 0.2% in the fourth Quarter, Compared with the Previous Three-Month Stretch, According to the Latest reading,

Europe’s Larget Economy Faces Pressure in Key Industries Like the Auto Sector, Issues with Infrastructure Like the Country’s Rail Network and A Housebuilding Crisis.

Dany-knedlik also flagged the so-called debt brake, a long-standing fiscal rule that is enshrined in Germany’s constitution, which limits the size of the structural Budget Defeget and Much Debt the Government can take on.

Whether or not the clause should be overhaled has been a big part of the fiscal debate ahead of the election. While The CDU Ideally does not want to change the debt brake, merz has said that he may be open to some reform.

“To increase growth Prospects Substantily without Increasing Debt also seems raather unlikely,” DIW’s Dany-Knedlik Said, Adding that, IF Public Investments WBlic Investments WERE TO RISE SHE RISE HISE HISE HISE SHAID Brake, Significant Tax Increases would be unavoidable.

“Taking into account that a 2 percent growth target is to be reached within a 4 year legislation period, the ageda 2030 in combination with conservatives attitude towards the debt break to me reads more than Straight forward Economic Growth Program, “She Said.

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Franziska Palmas, Senior Europe Economist at Capital Economics, Sees Some Benefits to the plans of the plans of the CDU-Csu Union, Saying they would likely “Be Positti” for the Economy, But Warning THESULTING THE RESULTING would be small.

“Tax Cuts Child Support Consumer Spending and Private Investment, But Weak Sentiment Means Consurs May Save a Significant Share of Their Additional AFTER-Tax Income and FIMMS MAYE BEES MATES MAY BEESTANTAND,” CNBC.

Palmas nevertheless pointed out that not every thing came a Winner from the new political. Income Tax Cuts Today Benefit Middle- And Higher-Income Househlds more than there, with a lower income, who would also also be affected by potential reductions of social benefits.

Coalition Talks Ahead

Following the Sunday election, The CDU/CSU Will Almost Certainly Be Left to Find a Coalition Partner to Form a Majority Government, with the Social Democratic or the Green Party Emerging as the Likelia Candidates.

The parties will need to broker a Coalition Agreement Outlining Their Joint Goals, Including on the Economy – which could prove to be a difference understanding, Capital Economics’ Palmas SAID.

“The CDU and the Spd and Greens have significantly different Economic Policy Positions,” She said, pointing to discrepancies over taxes and regulation. While the CDU/CSU Want to Reduce Both Items, The Spd and Greens Seek to Raise Taxes and OPPOSE DEREGULATION in in at Least Some Areas, Palmas Explied.

The group is nevertheles likely to hold the power in any potential negotiations

“Accordingly, we suspect that the coalition agreement will include most of the CDU’s Main Main Economic Proposals,” She said.

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