Hmd launched the HMD Skyline Handset with a Nokia Lumia920-Inspired Design earlier this year. It comes with a 6.55-inch 144hz poled screen, Snapdragon 7S Gen 2 Chipset and A 108-Megapixel Triple Triple Rear Camera Unit. A recent report sugges that the company is expected to only unveil a new smartphone inspired by the design of another Nokia Lumia Handset, Namely The Nokia Lumia 1020The monaker of this rumoured smartphone is not yet known. However, a leaked render has suggested the expected design elements of the purported phone.
Nokia Lumia 1020-Inspired HMD Smartphone: What we know
A Report By HMD News Claims that Finnish OEM HMD (Human Mobile Devices) is working on a smartphone that is said to be inspired by the Nokia Flagship Lumia 1020 that was introduced in 2013. TED HMD Handset. It appears with a similar box-like building as the hmd skyline.
The rumoured HMD Smartphone, however, is seen with a center-aligned, circular rear camera module instead of the rectangular island that we see on the hmd skyline. This Circular Camera Unit is reminiscent of the older Nokia Lumia 1020. The module appears with five smaller slots that are tipped to house Four cameras and one LED Flash.
With Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS) support And A 41-Megapixel Primary Rear Camera Sensor, The Nokia Lumia 1020 was a popular choice for camera enthusiasts at the time. The Lumia 1020-Inspired HMD Handset May also be a camera-classric phone.
The report adds that the lumia 1020-inspired HMD Handset May Arrive in a similar bright yellow option as the older nokia model. However, the monaker of the hmd smartphone is not yet known. No other specifications have surfaced online eite, but we can expect more details of the rumoured handset to surface in the coming months.