A new biblical drama series, house of david, is set to premiere on prime video on February 27. The series explores the life of david, who shows from obscurity to become Israel Israel Israel. As a young shepherd anointed by the prophet samuel, He must Navigate Political Intrigue, Warfare, and His Complex Relationship With King Saul, Whose Downfall Paves The Way For David. The show promises a dramaatic retelling of one of history’s most well-known stories, brings it to modern audiences in an Episodic Format.
When and where to watch house of david
The first three Episodes of house of david will debut on prime video on February 27. Following the initial releaseNew Episodes will be made available weekly. The series is being launched in collaboration with Amazon Mgm Studios and the Wonder Project, a Faith-Based Film Studio.
Official trailer and plot of house of david
The official trailer Provides a glimpse into the world of ancient israel, highlighting david’s early struggles, his encounter with goliath, and his eventual risk to power. The series follows king saul as he struggles with his diminishing authority while david, an unlikely choice for leadership, faces his destiny amid court politics, personal losses, and battle. The trailer sugges a production with high-stakes drama And a visually rich portrayal of biblic history.
Cast and crew of house of david
Michael iskander takes on the role of david, while indy lewis plays princess mychal. The series is produced by the wonder project, co-founded by Jon Erwin, Known for Jesus Revolution, and Kelly Merryman Hogstraten, A Former Netflix Executive. Dallas Jenkins, Creator of the Choen, Serves as a Special Adviser for the Project.
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