
Millions of Student Borrowers are behind on loans – and may see their credit scores tank, vantagescore finds

Students walk through the university of texas at austin on February 22, 2024 in Austin, Texas.

Brandon Bell | Getty Images

For the first time since the Pandemic, BComing Past-Due on Your Student Loan Payments will Hurt Your Credit Again.

The more than 9 Million Borrows Who are late on their payments may see their credit scores tank by FindsThe credit score company analyzed us department of education data.

Meanwhile, those who are paying their student loan bills on time will likely benefit from a risk in his credit scores by much as eight points, according to Vantage

Credit Scores Typically Range from 300 to 850, with Around 670 and Higher Considered Good.

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It’s been a long time since federal student loan borrowers have needed to worry about The downsides of missed paymentsWhich can also include the garnishment of wages and retirement benefitsThat’s decision collection activity was suspended during the pandemic and for a while after. The relife period officially expired on Sept. 30, 2024,

“For the first time in five years, federal student loan delinquencies will start to reappear on creedfit files, “Said rikard bandbo, Chief Economist at VantagesCore, in a statement.

Here’s What Student Loan Borrowers should know about their credit scores.

43% of borrowers with bills due

How to Stay Current on Your Student Loans

Student Loan Borrowers Struggling to make their payments have options, Said Higher Education Expert Mark Kantrowitz.

The borrowers can apply for an Income-Driven Repayment PlanWhich will cap their monthly bill at a share of their discretionary income. Many borrowers end up with a zero monthly payment. As of now, the applications for idr plans are unavailable with the education department makes sure its plans comply with a new court order. But You should be able to access one in the coming months.

Borrowers can also apply for a number of Deferments or forbearantsWhich can pause your payments for a year or more.

Additional if you’re alredy in default on your loans, you should consider Rehabilitating or consolidating your debtExperts said.

Rehabilitating Involves Making “Nine Voluntary, Reasonable and Affordable Monthly Payments,” According to the Education Department. Thos Nine Payments Can Be Made Over “a period of 10 Consecurable Months,” its web site notes.

Consolidation, meanwhile, may be available to those who “Make Three Consecurable, Voluntary, On-Time, Full Monthly Payments.” At that point, they can essentially repaik their debt into a new loan. (The Online Loan Consolidation Application is also temporary unavailable.)

If you don’t know who your loan serviceer is, you can find out at,

Experts also recommend that you Check your credit reports regularly for free at To make sure all three credit rating companies – Experian, Equifax and Transunion – Are Showing Your Correct Student Loan Balance and Payment Status.

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Hi, I am Tahir, a young entrepreneur working in the finance sector for more than 5 years. I am ambitious to add remarkable value to my country's economy.

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