It’s December, which means it’s the month of annual recaps, wraps and rewinds. Music streaming services have alredy come out with their 2024 scorecard with spotify wrapped, apple music replay and youtube music recap. Now, Sonyy Has released the Playstation 2024 wrap-up, Detailing Player Stats for Year for PS5 and PS4 users. This year’s wrap-up follows a retro playstation aesthetic that pays homage to the 30th anniversary of the brand.
Playstation 2024 wrap-up now live
In a playstation blog post Wednsday, Sony Announced That Ps4 and Ps5 Players would be able to access their playstation wrap-up from December 10 to January 10. The wrap-up come with users’ Gaming Achievements in 2024, Including Most Played Games, Monthly Gaming Stats, Monthly Gaming Statts, Gaming Statts, Gaming Preference and style and more.
This year’s playstation wrap-up also come with some new additions. Players can now also see personalized historical statistics, including the total number of games played since the user created their Playstation Network Account and their trophy milestones, Sony said. The wrap-up will also provide perceonalized game recommendations from the Playstation plus Game catalog based on the users’ play history.
As PS4 and PS5 users play more games through December, the wrap-up will continue to update until the end of the year. So, a final summary will be available before January 10, 2025.
Players who through their wrap-up experience will also be also Summary card.
How to Access PlayStation 2024 Wrap-up
To access your 2024 playstation wrap-up, you can head to And sign in to your psn account. Once signed in, the wrap-up presents 10 tabs, Each Showing Distinct Play Stats from the Year.
The first tab shows the total number of games you’ve played on playstation in 2024 and also tells you the total number of games you’ve played since the start of your psn account. The second tab lists your top five most played games of the year, while the third tab shares your gaming style based on them.
The fourth tab gives a monthly breakdown of your 2024 gaming calendar, showing per month stats like number of sessions, hours logged, games played, and trophies earned. The fifth tab recommends a playlist of games based on your play profile that are available on ps plus.
Subsequent Tabs Display Total Hours Played, Total tropheies earned, your playstation trophy milestones, social stats, and finally a shareable wrap-up summary card.
(Tagstotranslate) Playstation 2024 Wrap Up Gaming Stats PS4 PS5 Released Sony PlayStation 2024 Wrap Up (T) PlayStation Wrap up (T) PS5 (T) PS5 (T) PlayStation (T) Sony