New 3D Fossil Scans Reveal When Humans Started Walking on Two Feet

A study published in the American Journal of Primatology has provided new insights into the emergence of bipedalism in human ancestors. Using advanced 3D scanning techniques, researchers analysed fossil bones to investigate how early hominins moved, focusing on the transition from tree-dwelling locomotion to upright walking. The research was led by Professor Josep M. Potau from … Read more

5,000-Year-old Spanish Fortress Reveals Roman-Re Burial With Dagger

A Nearly 5,000-Year-old Fortress in southwestern spain Has Reveled a Surprising Discovery – ANS islated burial from the Roman eraThe remains of a man, estimated to be between 25 and 35 years old, was found near the fortress’s outer wall, despite the site having been abandoned for Over 2,500 years. The presence of a roman … Read more