A Wobble from Mars? It could be dark matter, study revols

Mit physicists have put forward a theory that the wobble in mars’ Orbit single be caused by primary black holes, which may constitute Dark Matter. According to the research, these tiny black holes formed after the big bang and even be passing through our Solar System, Affecting the Orbit of Planets Like Mars. David kaiser, … Read more

Mysterious Noise Comeing from Mariana Trench Finally ExPLAINED

Strange underwater noises, Known as “Biotwang” sounds, have puzzled scientists since they were the first heard Near the Mariana Trench in 2014. High-Patched Metallic ringing, are reminiscent of eerie sounds from sci-fi movies. For years, the source of these noises was unknown, thought they were suspended to be connected to marine life. A Recent Study … Read more

This is how the Earth might Escape Eventual Death after the Sun Explodes

A Planetary System Anchored by a White Dwarf Star, Located Approximately 4,000 Light-Years Away, Provides astronomers With Insights Into What Blad Happen to our Sun and Earth in about 8 Billion Years. This Scenario Unfolds If the Earth Survives The Sun’s Transformation INTO A Red Giant, Expected to Occur in 5 to 6 billion years. … Read more

This might be why lightium-ion batteries degrade so quickly

Researchers from the University of Colorado Bounder Have Made A Significant Breakthrough in Understanding Battery Degradation. This discovery has major implications for enhancing Lithium-ion Batteries, particularly in Electric Vehicles (EVS) And renewable energy storage. By identifying the role of hydrogen molecules in the degradation process, the research could lead to more sustainable and long-long-lasting batteries. … Read more

New 3D Fossil Scans Reveal When Humans Started Walking on Two Feet

A study published in the American Journal of Primatology has provided new insights into the emergence of bipedalism in human ancestors. Using advanced 3D scanning techniques, researchers analysed fossil bones to investigate how early hominins moved, focusing on the transition from tree-dwelling locomotion to upright walking. The research was led by Professor Josep M. Potau from … Read more

This Mutant Algae Might be removed to solve the climate change crisis

A novel strain of cyanobacteria, informally called “Chonkus,” has been identified in hydrothermal waters off Italy’s Vulcano Island, Sparking Interest for ITS POTENTS POTENTES POTENTES POTENT SARBON CAPURA Discovered during a marine study aimed at collecting water samples from the shallow volcanic vents of vulcano, this large cyanobacteria, formally designed as strain utex 3222, displays … Read more

This asteroid is confirmed to be the smallest documented space Rock

An asteroidIdentified as 2022 WJ1, Exploded in a Bright Green Fireball Above Southern On No. 19, 2022, According to a New Study Published in the Planetary SCIENTARY SCIENTARY SCIENCE JURNAL. The space rock, which was only 20 inches wide, is the smallest asteroid ever measured accurately, as confirmed by Researchers. It was first detected just … Read more